The School Years Children’s Memory Kit

Capture all the keepsakes from birth through high school

From $79 for the kit

From $39 for the DIY kit

We understand how frustrating it is to keep moving that “organize school papers” task from one day's to-do list to the next…and the next.

You never quite find the time to keep up with all those irreplaceable mementos.

And life just gets busier with each sibling you add to the mix!

But the real problem is, you don’t have a place to safely store all the cards from Grandma, soccer photos, crayon-on-construction paper masterpieces, year-end report cards, and the details of each precious milestone.

That is, until now…

A school memory box for birth through graduation

Say goodbye to the mountain of keepsakes cluttering your kitchen counter.

The School Years Memory Kit is a beautiful, easy-to-use children’s memory box to organize and save your little one’s mementos — all the way through high school.

Once it arrives, your memory-saving system is quick and easy to put together.

Then, in just a few minutes a month, you can capture your favorite memories in one convenient treasure box.

You work as you go, so you never have to scrounge up the time to do it all at once.

You’ll always know exactly where to slide in the latest science fair ribbon or t-ball certificate.

And someday, you’ll have one beautifully organized box full of memories to pass down to your child (without saddling them with a garage full of dusty cardboard boxes to dig through).

  • The School Years Kit - $79

    • A personalized name sticker label (6.75" L x 4.25" W) to go on the front of your keepsake box

    • 15 light gray file folders (11-3/4” W x 9-1/4” H) to hold memories from preschool through 12th grade — so you have plenty of room for everything you want to keep in one safe place

    • A space on the cover of each file folder to conduct an annual interview with your child and write their answers

    • A place to attach a photo of your kid at the start of each school year so you can see how they’ve grown

    • 10 additional folders you can select to fit your needs (think health records, cards & letters, or just plain miscellaneous)

    • 40 paper file tab inserts

    The School Years Kit + Box - $104

    You can add The Short Years Memory Box to your order, so you don’t have to worry about running around town finding one to fit. Your clear keepsake box (18" L x 12" W x 11" H) will arrive along with your folders, so you can get organized right away without adding anything else to your to do list.

    Printable DIY Memory Kit - $39

    Want a consistent plan to keep up with your kids' memories on a budget? Select The School Years Printable DIY Memory Kit and set up your streamlined system right away.

    You’ll receive digital PDF files to print your file covers (complete with annual interviews), tab inserts, and a personalized name label to attach to your own folders and keepsake boxes.

  • Your School Years Memory Kit will be carefully packaged and shipped to you for a flat rate of $3 for shipping. If you choose to add the Memory Box, it will be an additional $6 to ship it.

    We understand how important it is for you to receive your kit quickly so you can start organizing, so we strive to process and ship your order as quickly as possible. Please allow 5-7 business days for processing and an additional 5-7 business days for delivery. Rest assured, we will provide you with tracking information as you eagerly anticipate the arrival of your Memory Kit.

Limited stock remaining, order yours soon before they’re gone!

Before you know it, you could have all those drawings, report cards, awards, and school papers tamed and neatly filed in one gorgeous keepsake box of memories — or you could keep trying to ignore that mountain of precious clutter taking over your kitchen counter. Which will you choose?


What’s Included

The School Years Memory Kit

Name label, 15 folders with annual interviews, 10 blank folders, and 25 folder tabs $79 each

The School Years Memory Kit + Box

The School Years Memory Kit (everything above) + clear file box $104 each

Printable DIY Memory Kit

PDF download of printable name label, 15 interview cover sheets, and 40 folder tab inserts $39 each

“I have four kids, so I desperately needed a way to keep the important things organized and secure. I was THRILLED to find The School Years Memory Kit! It’s simple, sleek, and easy to use. Now I have a nice neat stack of 4 memory boxes to hold everything in one place, and I’ve finally gotten rid of the ol’ cardboard box that was overflowing with papers and projects.”

— Meredith Lyda